Are you “Woke” or “Awake?” - The Invisible Revolution As a Conservative, are you “Woke” or “Awake”? It may sound overly dramatic to compare the battles of Great Britain in the 1770’s to today’s fight against the policies and agendas of the progressive left. However,...
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Biden’s attempt to federalize voting laws
One of the topics monopolizing the daily reporting of major news centers around several states passing or considering voting election laws, along with the Democrats’ verbal responses to the efforts of states to exercise their rights. We have witnessed Texas Democrats...
Biden’s Economic Formula For Record Inflation
Democrats Hidden Tax If you have visited a grocery store, filled your car with gas, bought a few items at your local hardware store or tried to buy a new or used car in the past few weeks, you probably realized that while the buying power of your dollar has...
Battle for the Soul of America
One of the greatest things about America is that each individual state can vote and instill the leadership they desire in their Governor and State Legislative bodies. As most are aware, the two primary ideologies that greatly influence leadership decisions are either...
UNCW: “Blow Up Republicans”
The below information was extracted from various articles found online, most notably WECT News Television. Dan Johnson, an Associate Professor at UNCW’s School of Health and Applied Human Sciences, recently posted “Blow Up Republicans” on Facebook. Just to be clear,...
Lt Gov Mark Robinson: Time for Conservatives to Run TOWARDS Trouble
Lt Gov Mark Robinson: Time for Conservatives to Run TOWARDS Trouble Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson gave a powerful and inspiring speech at the recent North Carolina GOP Convention. Lieutenant Governor Robinson points out we have to run toward the trouble, much like...