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Wilmington, NC 28403

The GOP Podcast

Development and Public Safety: Podcast with John Lennon

Development and Public Safety: Podcast with John Lennon

Conversation with John Lennon – Republican candidate for Wilmington, NC City Council. We talk about how we can develop the city properly, the need for increasing a police presence to keep our citizens safe, and how we need to make government a bit more open so that we can understand why our politicians have made some of the controversial decisions from the last couple years.

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Infrastructure and Jobs: Podcast with Neil Anderson

Infrastructure and Jobs: Podcast with Neil Anderson

Conversation with Neil Anderson – Republican Candidate for Wilmington City Council. We talk about the issues that we are facing here in the city, focusing on the challenge of infrastructure and ways we can encourage middle class and trade occupations.

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Early Voting and Keeping the Vote Honest

Early Voting and Keeping the Vote Honest

Part 2 of a podcast with Julius Rothlein, chair of the Election Integrity Committee of the New Hanover GOP. We talk about the change in early voting laws, the difficulty in keeping good voter rolls, and the function of poll observers in the upcoming elections.

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Voter IDs and Other Election Changes

Voter IDs and Other Election Changes

Part 1 of a conversation with Julius Rothlein, New Hanover County Republican Party Voter Integrity Committee Chair. We talk about the new voter ID laws, absentee ballots, and other changes that will help make our elections more secure.

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We Need your Help!

The democrats (aka leftists) are trying to put in the fix on Voting rights. The 2nd amendment through Gun Control legislation is under assault. The federal budget and debt is ballooning under democratic leadership (or lack of it). Children are being indoctrinated in leftist ideals. Our Constitution and American freedoms are being attacked.

Your help is needed and appreciated to combat this war on our Freedoms.

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Remember, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke.

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