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BOE Deceit Caught on Camera

by | Sep 11, 2021

Democrat Dishonesty is Contagious

Before many of you ever heard the words Critical Race Theory or attended your first Board of Education meeting, Deputy Superintendent, Dr. LaChawn Smith, Chairwoman Stefanie Adams and Vice-Chairman Nelson Beaulieu, can now be seen in a Zoom call discussing NHCS’ plans to roll out CRT/Black Liberation Social Justice across the school system. Who would have guessed? Well, we did! Recently a reporter asked us why we continue to protest CRT being taught in New Hanover Schools when the Board of Education Members have gone on record to state that simply is not the case. Our response was simple.  We no longer trust their words or actions.

We have previously written and shared with you many articles addressing the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in New Hanover County (NHC) Schools. We have encouraged you to attend NHC Board of Education Meetings and voice your opinions. We have informed you that CRT is a socialist rooted ideology labeling an individual either an oppressor or the oppressed, based solely on the color of their skin. We have strongly advocated that you ask the tough questions to obtain definitive answers to your questions. We have warned you about the ever-changing terminology used in the CRT world to muddy the waters that allow Board members to claim plausible deniability.

You have responded. We have witnessed hundreds of concerned parents and NHC citizens attend the Board of Education meetings to clearly and convincingly voice their strong objection to CRT being taught in our schools. We have watched as concerned parents have made numerous attempts to obtain a clear and honest response to their question – is CRT being taught in our schools or is there a plan to introduce CRT into the NHCS curriculum? This is where the plausible denial comes in. Because most of your questions did not include terms like equity, inclusion, racial justice, Marxism, racism, systemic racism, white supremacy, collectivism, diversity and many other words we are not yet familiar with, the Board could look you in the eye like a professional poker player and say, “no, absolutely not.”

This article is not to expound any further on Critical Race Theory, or whatever it is labeled today. This is to inform you that, as we have all suspected from the beginning, your New Hanover Board of Education has been completely dishonest in their responses to your CRT-related inquiries. This video clearly shows Deputy Superintendent, Dr. LaChawn Smith, Chairwoman Stefanie Adams and Vice-Chairman Nelson Beaulieu, recounting NHCS’ plans to roll out CRT/Black Liberation Social Justice across the school system and the greater New Hanover community several weeks before anyone posed the question about CRT in our public schools.

As you take a few minutes of your time, please note the following:

  • There is not one conservative participating in this panel discussion.
  • This discussion goes way beyond NHCS.  Their sights are set on NHC healthcare, banking, employment, criminal justice, etc.
  • COVID-19 has slowed them down in achieving objectives.

This video begs a few questions:

  • The Deputy Superintendent was aware of this meeting. Was Superintendent Dr. Faust informed?
  • Board Member Stephanie Kraybill Chairs this Committee. Was she informed?
  • How many other Board Members were aware of this meeting?
  • Why did the Board feel compelled to deny, when a healthy debate would have better served the community?
  • Do Board Members realize they represent the voters who have placed their trust in them?
  • Do Board Members believe that you are so naïve and uninformed that you would simply believe what you are hearing and not continue to research?

Unfortunately, we have limited options. Can we stop the freight train known as CRT? Probably not. Is there an election in 2022? Absolutely, and you must remember why we are where we are today. Does the Board of Education have the authority to hire and fire the Superintendent of Public Schools? Absolutely.

You can help us make a change. You can help ensure your children are receiving a quality education that prepares them for the future. You can help ensure that what is taught in our schools are the life skills needed to succeed. You can help us return to focusing on science, accurate history, math, reading and writing.

Here is how you can join the fight in New Hanover County:

  1. Visit our webpage at and see what your GOP is doing.
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter and arm yourself with knowledge.
  3. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay connected with fellow patriots.
  4. Sign up to join our team. We need all kinds of volunteers!
  5. Consider making a $10 contribution. For the price of a few cups of coffee, you can help us support conservative causes in our backyard.
  6. We have acquired a home for the NHC GOP Headquarters Office. We need your support. The first 100 Patriots to contribute $50 or more monthly will have their names engraved on a plaque to be proudly and permanently displayed in our New Headquarters. Or you can contribute any amount to help us build our war room; no matter how small.
  7. We have also purchased a large database and analytical tool that will allow us to more easily communicate with our conservative friends, and complete numerous types of demographic data analysis to assist with our messaging. We also need fiscal support to maintain the use of this system. Like the building fund plaque, the first 100 to contribute $25 or more per month will also have names engraved and placed on a plaque for all to see in our new home.
  8. Consider serving on a local Board, Commission, or running for public office. Contact Melissa with our Leadership Development Team for more information about how you can serve.

You are invited to attend the next GOP County Meeting which will be held Sept. 23rd, starting at 6:30, at the Spring Hill Baptist Church located at 801 N. College Road.