2023 District 7 Convention
7th Congressional District GOP Convention
Saturday, December 9, 2023 3:00 PM
Location: North Point Community Church, 4490 Gordon RD., Wilmington, NC 28405
Doors open 1:30 PM Convention begins 3:00PM
Only credentialed delegates will be allowed to vote. Non-voting guests are welcome. Any delegate arriving after 3PM will not be seated unless they were on line to register by 3.
This year we will elect new officers: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Due to the time and scheduling constraints, there will be no nominating committee slate and all candidates will be nominated from the floor. The nominator will have one minute for the nomination speech and it will be seconded with no speech. Each candidate nominated for each position will have 2 minutes to speak. Each position will be voted on separately by paper ballot and the votes are weighted. All of this information is in the rules of the convention and plan of organization. Any candidate who wishes to can send me a short Bio and I will send it out to the delegates.
Questions? Email ncgop7chair(at)gmail.com