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The GOP Podcast

The Republican Write-In Candidate: Wallace West for District 18

The Republican Write-In Candidate: Wallace West for District 18

The tough thing about a write in candidate is that your name is not on the ballot. Now, I want to emphasize to people that you have been endorsed by the New Hanover County Republican Party. We are saying that you are our candidate. You are our Republican write in candidate, but you are not showing up on the ballot. That’s going to be a tough lift.

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Educational Excellence:  David Perry for NHC Board of Education

Educational Excellence: David Perry for NHC Board of Education

If we have somebody like Doctor Faust, who is, you know, a complete leftist and completely disagrees with us and is going to try to do his own agenda as opposed to the school board’s agenda it’s never going to work. We need somebody that we can count on, that we can trust. That’s going to be work with us in order to solve our school district’s problems.

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Ready to Go!  Natosha Tew for NHC Board of Education

Ready to Go! Natosha Tew for NHC Board of Education

This would have been and this should be a crime. It is a crime. I am very, very conservative. I have friends who are not as conservative. But on one thing we can agree is we want our kids to be healthy. We want them to be happy and safe.

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Common Sense – Nikki Bascome for NHC Board of Education

Common Sense – Nikki Bascome for NHC Board of Education

And once you give a child, especially a 16, 17, 18 year old child, that taste of success, they want more. Their chances of going on to do something more. I just don’t understand why we weren’t bending over backwards to do whatever Cape Fear Community College needed for us to make this successful.

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Dane Scalise – Your County Commissioner

Dane Scalise – Your County Commissioner

Everybody who is in this community deserves to have leadership that actually gives a darn, that actually is doing the right thing for the right reasons. And I am far from a perfect person. I am an imperfect person, absolutely, but I care, and I put the work in and it’s my honor to put the work in, and I hope that the voters will recognize that and allow me to continue doing this work on their behalf this November.

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Harry Knight:  Talking Politics Some More

Harry Knight: Talking Politics Some More

Up to now, we have slowly evolved to where we somehow think schools are a replacement for parents, and we’re trying to provide all of this stuff for kids that parents ought to be providing. The schools are there to give a sound basic education. That’s it. Period.

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Addressing Challenges in NHC Education: Nikki Bascome

Addressing Challenges in NHC Education: Nikki Bascome

A lot of the teachers are concerned. A lot of the parents are concerned. A lot of parents are concerned because they didn’t. They didn’t understand what was going on with Faust and the district. They didn’t understand that there was such a big disconnect between the school board and what was going on in the schools itself. You think of the school board and you think they know everything that’s going on in the schools and they really don’t. There was a huge firewall put up.

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Talking Politics:  Conversation with Harry Knight

Talking Politics: Conversation with Harry Knight

Harry Knight is the Executive Director of the New Hanover County Republican Party. In this wide-ranging podcast, we discuss the stark difference between the Republican-led county government that seeks to be good stewards of our area and the Democrat-controlled city government that raises taxes in the midst of an economic downturn. We also talk about how voters for Donald Trump – who have been invigorated during the last few weeks – but also vote for all Republicans on the ticket – and why that is a necessity.

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Remember, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke.

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