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New Hanover County Republican Party



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Discover the core principles that guide the New Hanover County Republican Party during primary season. This episode is your insider’s guide to understanding the importance of neutrality and the powerful tools we offer to help you, the voter, make an informed decision when it counts. We break down our comprehensive candidate resources, including a detailed list accessible on our website, and the reasons behind our strict policy preventing party officials from public endorsements or negative commentary on Republican candidates.

As we gear up for Primary Day on March 5th, I invite you to engage with the process, support the New Hanover County GOP, and prepare to rally behind our chosen candidates for the general election. This is more than just a podcast—it’s a call to action to contribute to the future of our party and our nation.

Welcome to the NHC GOP Podcast, I am Reuel Sample.

No Endorsed Candidates In The Primaries

The New Hanover County Republican Party does not, can not, and will not endorse any Republican candidate in a contested primary race. Period.

Let me say that again. We will not endorse any Republican candidate in this primary election. We provide resources so voters can get to know the candidates. We provide forums such as this podcast, GOP meetings, and other avenues so the candidates can get their message out. On our website we provide a complete list of all candidates and how to get in touch with them. But we will not stump for, single out, or uplift any Republican candidate over another one. Our officers – from the Precinct Officers to the County Party Chair – may get involved with individual candidate campaigns and may support them through time and treasure. But none of them may endorse a candidate as a party official – nor may they disparage any candidate in any way.

Our rules are quite clear on these matters – and it is good policy.

Why? Why go through all the money and resources? Why not endorse candidates that are clearly up for the job. Why not just skip ahead and start focusing on the needs of the general election?

The answer is simple – we are not the Democrats who decide most of their primaries behind closed doors. We are the Republican party – and we want to hear from our voters.

One Man Who Made It Because Of Primaries

Case in point. Several years ago a political newbie entered a race as a Republican. While he was widely known for his accomplishments outside the political arena, he had never once ran for an office. Over the next several months, he campaigned on a budget that was mostly self-financed or relied upon the 10 and 20 dollar donations from people who believed in him. He was considered a very long shot – but his message started finding root. The other candidates had all spent lifetimes in public service. If it had been left to the Republican Party to pick the candidate – we would have made the safe choice.

But as this intrepid candidate started winning more and more primaries, the GOP started to realize that our voters had a different vision and want for our country. They didn’t want tried and true politicians who – although far better than any Democrat – were still seen as part of the problem and not the solution. They wanted an outsider who was pledging to stay an outsider – and get things done.

Donald Trump won the nomination of the party and won the White House because of primaries.

You see, primaries give us the sense of the members of the party. They tell us what candidates and what ideas are at the forefront of their thinking. Primaries help us form our strategies and help target current pain points – because our voters through their primary choices have told us what those big concerns are. Even when candidates do not make it through the primary election, we can look at the support they did get and factor that into our plans going forward.

In the General Election, the New Hanover County GOP will support and endorse every Republican Candidate who makes it through. We do that because no matter the difference between Republicans – those differences are nothing as compared to between Republicans and Democrats.

Three Asks Of Our Party Members

So, we ask three things of you. The first is to please vote in the primaries. Your vote is critical to determining the future direction of our party and our nation. The second is to consider giving to the New Hanover Republican party so we can support local Republican elections. Everything you give here stays here. And finally, when the General Election comes, please vote for the Republican candidate who has made it through the primaries – even if that candidate is not one you supported. Remember, the Primaries are all about the individual candidate and the philosophies that set them apart from the other Republicans on the ticket. The General Election is – and must be – all about getting Republicans elected – because in the end if we want to have a shot at getting Republican ideas implemented at all levels of government – we need to elect Republicans to get it done.

Primary Day is Tuesday March 5. Please see our website for your polling location.

For the New Hanover County Republican Party – I am Reuel Sample. Thanks for listening.