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New Hanover County Republican Party



Why Has the Term Racism Become So Important to the Democrat’s Policy Agenda?

by | May 20, 2021

Why Has the Term Racism Become So Important to the Democrat’s Policy Agenda? Discussing racism in America is a topic we have purposely avoided. However, it can no longer be ignored. The proliferation of Democrats constantly painting America as a systemically racist country, begs the question…why? Biden just a few days ago shared his position about the “ugly poisons” of “systemic racism and white supremacy” which he said had long plagued the United States.

Discussing racism in America is a topic we have purposely avoided. However, it can no longer be ignored. The proliferation of Democrats constantly painting America as a systemically racist country, begs the question…why? Biden just a few days ago shared his position about the “ugly poison” of “systemic racism and white supremacy” which he said had long plagued the United States. Just minutes after the George Floyd verdict was revealed, Biden, Harris, and Schumer appeared on various liberal media outlets reminding us all that we are a “systemically racist nation. What is their objective?
Democrats have put race at the center of every single issue. The liberal left thinks that “systemic racism” should drive our policies on education (e.g., CRT, indoctrination, equality act, etc.), immigration, climate change, and a host of other issues, including how to handle COVID-19. If you disagree with this liberal platform, you are a bigot and will be canceled.

The liberal left thrives on keeping the country as divided as possible to move their radical progressive agenda forward. They will continue to paint conservatives as white, privileged, and wealthy oppressors who are somehow guilty of preventing people of color from upward mobility and are holding them back from the American dream.

While it has been easy to shoot holes in all the Executive Orders and proposed legislation, it has been difficult to counter the liberal left’s claim of proclaiming America as a racist nation, until now.

In a previous article, we countered Biden’s claim that America was racist. We provided what we thought was compelling evidence that America is not racist. We were 100% wrong. America is indeed a racist Nation. Biden was right this time.
Shortly after Biden’s address to Congress, Senator Tim Scot, South Carolina delivered a powerful and convincing rebuttal to Bidens Comment. During his rebuttal, Senator Scot assured Americans that our country is not a racist one. It did not take exceptionally long for the liberal left progressive trolls to show their true colors.

  • 100’s of Twitter comments were made referring to Senator Scot as “Uncle Tim”.
  • Twitter once again proved that their bias is skewed heavily toward the progressively woke culture by allowing the comments to continue for 11 hours.
  • Bishop Swan posted “these are your go-to people for white supremacists to put in front of Black people and say, ‘See, even your own people are saying we’re not racist, that America isn’t racist”
  • MSNBC host Joy Reid claimed that the senator was essentially a prop being used by the GOP to show a “patina of diversity.”
  • A Texas House Democrat proclaimed Senator Scot as an “Oreo”.

So yes, it appears America is a racist nation after all. However, the Party that claims to be the champions and savior of all minority groups appears to be perfectly capable of demonstrating that there are indeed racist tendencies embedded deep within their policy agendas.
Americans know this indoctrination is toxic and will destroy our nation. Race is important to Democrats, who count on receiving roughly 90% of the Black vote. It is especially important to Biden; were it not for African Americans handing him the Democratic primary win in South Carolina, he would not be president today.

What Can We Do?

  • We must stay informed and continue our resolve to counter untruths and damaging policy decisions by educating all with factual, unbiased information.
  • We must grow our base, increase our numbers. There is power and strength in unity.
  • We must aggressively reach out to all New Hanover County Residents and adopt an outreach initiative that takes us into the inner city.
  • We need to apply common sense to common problems to gain common solutions.
  • We must continue to embrace our America First Policy Agenda.
  • We cannot be confined to the borders of New Hanover County. We must influence from Wilmington to Washington.

All of these things are possible. Routinely visit our newly designed website to gain important information, including current articles that are relevant to you and your families. Consider becoming a part of the TEAM and/or becoming a small contributor to help us win all local elections, take back the House and Senate, and the White House in 2024.