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New Hanover County Republican Party



Title IX: What Is The Board of Education Hiding?

by | Mar 2, 2022

As part of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title IX was originally intended to ensure that no one, on the basis of sex, can be excluded from participation in any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

At a recent Title IX Committee meeting, school board representatives Stephanie Kraybill and Stephanie Walker posed the idea of converging the panel with the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.  As is often the case, they did not share their goals and objectives.  A meeting will be held between the two committees to explore the way forward.

Reportedly, the potential shift comes just as the Title IX Committee has wrapped and reviewed the outcome of its Title IX survey given to students. It was a significant project the members worked on for several months in early 2021. It was approved in May for distribution to students in November. NHCS also recently appointed its first chief equity diversity officer in Dr. LaChawn Smith, the former deputy superintendent, who is heading the new EDI office.

Has the Title IX Committee Forgotten its Mission?

The stated mission of the New Hanover County committee on Title IX “in collaboration with our parents and the community, is to strive to provide children with an opportunity for a superior education in a safe and positive learning environment where they are prepared with the skills to succeed”.

It’s time we were provided answers to the following questions:

  •         Were parents provided the opportunity to approve a survey to be administered to their    children?
  •         Exactly what questions were contained in the survey?
  •         How many students took the survey and what was the percentage that caused the Title IX committee concern?
  •         Who administered the survey? Was it contracted or NHC public schools generated?
  •         Is this another attempt to promote gender self-identification?
  •         What age groups received this survey?
  •         Who approved distribution to students in November?

Dealing with issues specific to sex or gender identity, the Title IX Committee held its first meeting in March 2019. The EDI Committee formed shortly after, in November of that year.  Board member Walker indicated a merge appears to be the natural progression. She said, together, the two bodies can better call on the administration to draw data, help strategize and set goals, and determine whether those are accomplished.

As the Board of Education and Title IX Committee plan and scheme behind closed doors, current events demand that these broader questions be answered as well:

  •         What are the goals and objectives as it relates to Title IX and EDI?
  •         Is the Board of Education exceeding their authority to survey your children and then take the responsibility to counsel your child and help them cope with any feelings of self-identification?
  •         While a prominent issue, one that should be dealt with by each individual parent, when will the Board get back to focusing on the essentials of educating your children?

The Committee focuses its crosshairs on Teachers, Too

Member Leslie Cohen said teachers can sometimes turn into the students’ bullies by refusing to use their preferred names and pronouns or joking about the number of genders. Lewis, who reviews all reports, could corroborate Cohen’s concerns about staff behavior, particularly referring to incidents where a teacher declines to call a student by the name they ask.

  •         We continue to witness hundreds of excellent teachers walking out the door because of the progressive left agenda they are subjected to in our county schools.
  •         Teachers are not afforded the opportunity to prepare their own lesson plans. These too, are mandated.

Failure Is Not Only an Option, It’s The New Normal 

The current Board of Education members have done more damage to the NHC educational system in one year than any time in New Hanover history. Conservatives, Liberals and Unaffiliated citizens of New Hanover should be astonishingly concerned about the substandard education your child is now receiving.

The Board of Education has lowered grade standards in the name of “Equity”  to ensure more students are pushed through, lowering the motivation of students, and certainly not preparing them for their futures. The United States ranks fortieth or below in math, science and reading…far behind China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, all while your elected Board of Education Members focus on liberal, progressive agendas.

The entire staff of the New Hanover County’s Superintendent of schools Central Office and the Current Board of Education would be terminated if they were in the private sector. They have failed in any attempt to ensure your child receives a quality education.

Time Is Running Out. Let’s Make Some Noise.

We are not sure if the March 10 BOE meeting is open to the public, but will keep you informed as soon as we receive that information. If open, you should attend and gain answers to our questions or those of your own.

The current Board of Education is composed of 6 extremely liberal progressive-minded individuals with one lone true conservative. During the 2022 election cycle four of the seats are on the ballot to be filled. You can help to reconstruct this to reflect a membership of 4 Conservatives and two remaining liberal progressives.

We urge you to vote. It is time to protect New Hanover County’s Children. We will reverse this type of madness and focus on educating your children.

Please visit our website,, to stay on top of Board of Education news and many other topics of immediate interest to New Hanover County voters. And by all means, join our team and/or contribute.

Note: Portions of this article contains extracts from a Port City Daily article “NHCS could merge Title IX, equity committees” by Alexandra Sands Williams.