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New Hanover County Republican Party



President Reagan – The Prophet

by | Aug 27, 2021

President Reagan - The Prophet. Ronald Reagan is arguably one of the most effective and successful Presidents to ever serve our nation. He is certainly one of the most beloved and revered.On October 27, 1964, Reagan delivered a “chilling” speech outlining the goals and objectives of the liberals. While history reveals that liberal Democrats were not successful in implementing many of the forecasted socialistic ideologies until several decades later, we are witnessing today what President Reagan prophetically warned us about 57 years ago.

Ronald Reagan is arguably one of the most effective and successful Presidents to ever serve our nation. He is certainly one of the most beloved and revered.On October 27, 1964, Reagan delivered a “chilling” speech outlining the goals and objectives of the liberals. While history reveals that liberal Democrats were not successful in implementing many of the forecasted socialistic ideologies until several decades later, we are witnessing today what President Reagan prophetically warned us about 57 years ago.

The following are paraphrased examples of what is contained in his speech regarding this socialist agenda:

  • Their belief that an “intellectually elite” group can plan our lives better than we can plan our own.
  • Individual freedom is not capable of solving the complex problems of society.
  • The Constitution is outmoded and must be changed to provide liberal leadership the latitude needed to enact policies and laws to properly lead and solve the problems of America.
  • Government can’t control the economy without controlling the people.
  • We are constantly told we must choose between “left” or “right.” I would propose there is no “left” or “right.” There is only up or down. 
  • The proposal that profit motive be replaced by welfare.
  • Our liberal friends are not ignorant.  It is that they know so much that isn’t so.
  • We are at war. Are we willing to trade our freedom for the soup kitchens of a welfare state?

Most will agree that we are now witnessing everything that President Reagan warned us about. Unfortunately, the rapid and dogmatic approach of the liberal progressives to replace American ideology with a socialistic authoritarian government is only a part of the problem facing today’s America.

  • We are being overrun at the border by 1.4 million illegal immigrants in Biden’s first 8 months as President. Most are being released into our very own communities. Many  (over 40%) are COVID positive.
  • The Biden Administration failed miserably in analyzing what might happen when the 2,500 American troops were withdrawn from Afghanistan. The Taliban has taken control of over 70% of the country. The capital city of Kabul is also likely to fall to the Taliban. United States Embassy Staff were airlifted by Marines, and hundreds of children and women have been tortured and murdered at the hands of the Taliban. It is decisions like this that has downgraded the status of America as the leader of the free world.
  • We are moving backward in our fight against the COVID pandemic. Non-FDA approved vaccines are being mandated in both the public and private sector. Vaccine passports are being considered, the masking of children two years and older is being mandated, and proof of vaccination for intra-state travel is also on the horizon.

These three-bullet points only scratch the surface of how Biden’s policies are placing America in a downward spiral – one headed for the socialist hell that Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson warned us about.

At some point you will have to decide to choose “Up” (restore the America First Agenda) or “Down” (the status quo plus whatever progressive policy comes next). Hopefully this will help. The following is what you can do now to help us expose the dangers of the centralized elite policy maker’s decisions, and recruit like-minded Patriots to help us fight the fight.

Here is how you can join the fight in New Hanover County:

  1. Visit our webpage at and see what your GOP is doing.
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter and arm yourself with knowledge.
  3. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay connected with fellow patriots.
  4. Sign up to join our team. We need all kinds of volunteers!
  5. Consider making a $10 contribution. For the price of a few cups of coffee, you can help us support conservative causes in our backyard.
  6. We have acquired a home for the NHC GOP Headquarters Office. We need your support. The first 100 Patriots to contribute $50 or more monthly will have their names engraved on a plaque to be proudly and permanently displayed in our New Headquarters. Or you can contribute any amount to help us build our war room; no matter how small.
  7. We have also purchased a large database and analytical tool that will allow us to more easily communicate with our conservative friends, and complete numerous types of demographic data analysis to assist with our messaging. We also need fiscal support to maintain the use of this system. Like the building fund plaque, the first 100 to contribute $25 or more per month will also have names engraved and placed on a plaque for all to see in our new home.
  8. Consider serving on a local Board, Commission, or running for public office. Contact Melissa with our Leadership Development Team for more information about how you can serve.

You are invited to attend the next GOP County Meeting which will be held August 26th, starting at 6:30, at the Spring Hill Baptist Church located at 801 N. College Road.

It is requested that you bring non-perishable food items to the meeting.  If we all pitch in, we can feed many hungry children. Our Thanks.

We want to thank you all and welcome you to join us in this extremely important fight. Thousands of voices are much louder than a few.