Biden Ignores the Situation in Afghanistan -The atrocious mistakes made in ending the war in Afghanistan, the severe lack of judgment, and non-existent leadership of President Biden which in turn caused the unnecessary deaths of 13 brave and dedicated U.S. Service Members have all been well documented. What is perhaps even more baffling is the continued absence of logical judgment and leadership that a reasonable citizen would expect from any President when dealing with a situation of this magnitude. Biden has gone completely silent on the topic of Afghanistan and the stranded American citizens.
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Communist China’s Goal to Turn NC Blue
Commjnist China’s Goal to Turn NC BLUE – Would you invest 6 minutes of your time to help save America? If so, you will want to watch this short video. What sounds like some wild conspiracy theory is actually backed by facts, and provides names of the communist infiltrators/spies who have one mission; turn red states blue to ensure the Democratic Party is forever in power.
You are probably just as tired of hearing about critical race theory (CRT) as we are in talking and writing about it. However, there are so many complex levels to CRT, and as we will discuss today, CRT is the linchpin in the progressive lefts’ strategy to transform America into a socialist hell.
President Reagan – The Prophet
President Reagan – The Prophet.
Ronald Reagan is arguably one of the most effective and successful Presidents to ever serve our nation. He is certainly one of the most beloved and revered.On October 27, 1964, Reagan delivered a “chilling” speech outlining the goals and objectives of the liberals. While history reveals that liberal Democrats were not successful in implementing many of the forecasted socialistic ideologies until several decades later, we are witnessing today what President Reagan prophetically warned us about 57 years ago.
Beyond Ridiculous – Biggest Lie Yet
Beyond Ridiculous – Biggest Lie Yet
Jen Psaki, the White House Press Secretary, while in a media briefing, responded to a reporter’s question about illegal immigrants entering the country untested for COVID. She replied (we paraphrase) that the situation at the border is getting much better and everyone must remember that our Administration inherited the border problems from the previous Administration. It is exceedingly difficult to understand how this could be said with a straight face.
Australian Senator Tells it Like It Is!
Australian Senator Tells it Like It Is! Malcolm Robert, an Australian Senator and a member of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, recently gave a fiery speech on the floor of Parliament.
You are probably asking yourself, why do I care about what is going on in Australia? The answer is simple, if we take the time to look and listen, it becomes easier to see we are on the path to becoming the next Cuba or Venezuela.