We Must Exercise Our Right to be Heard – We cannot allow Covid to become a convenient excuse for local Boards, Councils and Commissions to dramatically limit the input of concerned New Hanover County Citizens. This is a disturbing trend that indicates our local Governing Bodies are taking steps to better control input and to silence dissenting opinions.
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Are you “Woke” or “Awake?” – The Invisible Revolution
Are you “Woke” or “Awake?” – The Invisible Revolution – As a Conservative, are you “Woke” or “Awake”? It may sound overly dramatic to compare the battles of Great Britain in the 1770’s to today’s fight against the policies and agendas of the progressive left. However, the fight is real, and the time is NOW for America to wake up and not be “woke”.
Biden’s Economic Formula For Record Inflation
If you have visited a grocery store, filled your car with gas, bought a few items at your local hardware store or tried to buy a new or used car in the past few weeks, you probably realized that while the buying power of your dollar has diminished, the price of most items is going up at an alarming rate. The following economic theory has historically proven to be true – any time an enormous amount of money is dumped into the economy, the currency is devalued. And with the higher demand for goods, the cost of these goods skyrocket. The sad truth is, if this continues to go unchecked, it becomes more and more difficult to reverse.
Board of Education Meeting Continued on Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Last Tuesday, the New Hanover County Board of Education Board abruptly ended their regular monthly meeting and announced the remainder of the meeting will take place remotely Tuesday, July 20th at 5:30 PM. An article published online in the Wilmington Star News...
UNCW: “Blow Up Republicans”
UNCW: “Blow Up Republicans” Dan Johnson, an Associate Professor at UNCW’s School of Health and Applied Human Sciences, recently posted “Blow Up Republicans” on Facebook. Just to be clear, Dan Johnson is a liberal. How far left? We have no idea, but his statement would indicate on the fringes of the far left.
Help fight for our students on July 13
We, the NHC GOP, were recently asked by a reporter, “Why do you continue to fight by speaking out and putting up billboards after the Board of Education (BOE) Members repeatedly state that CRT is not being taught in NHC Schools and there are no plans to do so?” We...