Hell NO to Build Back Better – They say a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth 10,000 words. Today we want to share a video of Congressman Byron Donalds, Republican from the great state of Florida making an impassioned speech voicing his objections to what is contained in the BBB. The video was taken from Tik-Tok and is on fast speed. Even though in fast mode, you can understand every word and you get the benefit of watching a 5+ minute video in less than 2 minutes and 30 seconds.
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Socialism for Dummies
Socialism for Dummies – First, I want to be clear, I am not labeling our readers as dummies. My objective is for us to take a more critical look at all the unbelievable, crazy, chaotic mandates, policies, and proposed legislation that is being generated by the socialist left-wing progressive nuts in Washington, as well as liberal Governors and Mayors of blue states and cities.
Geniuses Founded this Country, Idiots are Running It
Geniuses Founded this Country, Idiots are Running It – Biden’s approval ratings are falling ten times faster than the Times Square crystal ball on New Year’s Eve. I really try to keep you informed of all events that are contributing to this train wreck, but they are coming fast and furious.
Is America Marching Toward A Recession?
Is America Marching Toward A Recession? It becomes increasingly obvious every day that members of the Biden Administration and the liberal left members of both the House and the Senate have little knowledge of economic theory. Even more disturbing is they are ignoring the reports of left-leaning financial analysts like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Forbes. Many of the financial institutions as well as a respected economist have identified economic indicators that the United States is headed toward a recession. One of the key drivers is due to the reckless spending and accrued debt being generated by the liberal left.
The Truth About Build Back Better
3.5 Trillion Reasons You Must Read! Before we dive into the Democrats’ proposed socialism for all plan, one that will guarantee the destruction of America, we ask why Americans aren’t more outraged by this proposal? If ever there was a time to stand together, voice...
Time to Call “BS” on Build Back Better
Time to Call “BS” on Build Back Better – Today we are going to share many of the unbelievable line items the Democrats have labeled “Human Infrastructure” within their “Build Back Better” budget proposal.