If you have any doubts about wokeness slowly changing our culture; all you must do is read the Star News, watch WECT news broadcast, or attend Board of Education and/or Health and Human Services meetings, or post something on social media that counters any position of...
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What Do Republicans Stand For?
During Biden’s recent 2-hour marathon press conference he was asked about his recent poll approval ratings, Biden surprisingly said, “Name one president who has done more than I have in the first year.” Yes, Biden’s done a lot, but what of it has been positive for the...
Biden Promotes Border Crisis
Biden Promotes Border Crisis – We all have witnessed the chaos occurring at our Southern border. We are all keenly aware that Biden and Harris have done absolutely nothing to address these problems. In fact, their proposed policy agenda will only make this problem much worse than it already is. Biden, through his inaction and actions, has created a national security and health crisis of the highest magnitude. We have authored several articles informing you of the negative impacts this open border and Biden’s catch and relocate policy is having on America.
BBB – a Pivotal Moment in American History?
BBB – a Pivotal Moment in American History? Our Founding Fathers created a Republic that ensured your freedoms, one that promoted free enterprise, one that defended and supported its citizens, not one that makes our citizens reliant on it. We have shared with you 5 to 10 articles that document the roadmap on how a democracy can be transformed into an authoritarian socialist government. The BBB plan coupled with the endless mandates proves that this administration has done their homework and knows exactly what their objective is and a path to get there.
A Conservative’s View of Build Back Better
A Conservative’s View of Build Back Better – America is in turmoil and chaos and there are dozens of socio-economic issues confronting America today. If addressed the issues were addressed with the same BBB level of funding, this bill would be more accurately labeled “Build Back Better.” Bidens “Build Back Better” is truly a joke.
Path To Socialism
Path To Socialism – Congressman Jim Banks, U.S. House Representative from the great state of Indiana has issued a “cliff notes” version of what he and his staff consider to be of his greatest concerns and most damaging to our Country. Congressman Banks’ abbreviated list contains 35 new policies that could potentially cost what Biden routinely describes as “free” or “zero cost”, as high as $4 trillion. We have carefully reviewed Congressman Banks’ list and have provided the ten initiatives we consider to be the worst of the worse.