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Australian Senator Tells it Like It Is!

Australian Senator Tells it Like It Is!

Australian Senator Tells it Like It Is! Malcolm Robert, an Australian Senator and a member of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party, recently gave a fiery speech on the floor of Parliament.
You are probably asking yourself, why do I care about what is going on in Australia? The answer is simple, if we take the time to look and listen, it becomes easier to see we are on the path to becoming the next Cuba or Venezuela.

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We Must Exercise Our Right to be Heard

We Must Exercise Our Right to be Heard – We cannot allow Covid to become a convenient excuse for local Boards, Councils and Commissions to dramatically limit the input of concerned New Hanover County Citizens. This is a disturbing trend that indicates our local Governing Bodies are taking steps to better control input and to silence dissenting opinions.

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Are you “Woke” or “Awake?” – The Invisible Revolution

Are you “Woke” or “Awake?” – The Invisible Revolution – As a Conservative, are you “Woke” or “Awake”? It may sound overly dramatic to compare the battles of Great Britain in the 1770’s to today’s fight against the policies and agendas of the progressive left. However, the fight is real, and the time is NOW for America to wake up and not be “woke”.

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Biden’s attempt to federalize voting laws

Biden’s attempt to federalize voting laws – “During a Nationally televised news conference President Biden compared Georgia’s voting laws to “Jim Crow” on steroids. Biden’s speech was part of his effort to encourage Congress to pass H.R. 1 and S.R. 1, the For the People Act, which is legislation that would federalize voting laws and basically turn our country into a socialist hell. Like many of Biden’s speeches, actual truthful and honest facts are not a requirement in communication with Americans. If a Democrat says something they expect you to accept as fact, and you disagree, you are labeled a racist. Fact checking by the Washington Post earned Biden 4 Pinocchio’s.”

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Biden’s Economic Formula For Record Inflation

If you have visited a grocery store, filled your car with gas, bought a few items at your local hardware store or tried to buy a new or used car in the past few weeks, you probably realized that while the buying power of your dollar has diminished, the price of most items is going up at an alarming rate. The following economic theory has historically proven to be true – any time an enormous amount of money is dumped into the economy, the currency is devalued. And with the higher demand for goods, the cost of these goods skyrocket. The sad truth is, if this continues to go unchecked, it becomes more and more difficult to reverse.

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