Is America Marching Toward A Recession? It becomes increasingly obvious every day that members of the Biden Administration and the liberal left members of both the House and the Senate have little knowledge of economic theory. Even more disturbing is they are ignoring the reports of left-leaning financial analysts like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Forbes. Many of the financial institutions as well as a respected economist have identified economic indicators that the United States is headed toward a recession. One of the key drivers is due to the reckless spending and accrued debt being generated by the liberal left.
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The Truth About Build Back Better
3.5 Trillion Reasons You Must Read! Before we dive into the Democrats’ proposed socialism for all plan, one that will guarantee the destruction of America, we ask why Americans aren’t more outraged by this proposal? If ever there was a time to stand together, voice...
Time to Call “BS” on Build Back Better
Time to Call “BS” on Build Back Better – Today we are going to share many of the unbelievable line items the Democrats have labeled “Human Infrastructure” within their “Build Back Better” budget proposal.
Why the School Boards Called in the FBI
Why the School Boards Called in the FBI – “In an official memo, Attorney General Merrick Garland has pledged to mobilize the FBI against parents protesting critical race theory in public schools, citing unspecified ‘threats of violence’ against school officials.
Are Concerned Parents also Domestic Terrorists?
“The National School Board Association (NSBA) doesn’t want parents showing up to hold them accountable anymore, and they want law enforcement and federal government to crack down on parents who are demanding their children be provided with an appropriate and...
How long can that nose grow?
By now most Americans have been able to identify the truth from what is actually being shared by Biden, Jen Psaki, Myorkas, the Pentagon Generals, and other members of this failing administration.