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Wilmington, NC 28403

New Hanover County Republican Party



Candidate in the Spotlight – John Hinnant – NC House District 18

by | Sep 15, 2022

The New Hanover County Republican Party is extremely pleased to inform you that John Hinnant is the PERFECT candidate to serve as your representative in House District 18.

John is originally from Wilmington. He has carefully watched what is occurring in our County, especially in our public schools. He strongly believes that the residents of House District 18 and of the entire state of North Carolina would significantly benefit from restoring conservative values. He is dedicated to providing the residents with the level of representation they desire and deserve. John’s opponent in this election is Democrat incumbent Deb Butler, a self-proclaimed progressive Democrat, who continues to support those policy issues that align with her own agenda, and not those of the people she represents.

John is eager to take on the challenges to address the issues and concerns that have been loudly proclaimed by the voters in House District 18.

  • As a parent, he helped to guide his children through an under-performing elementary school in downtown Wilmington. He served on the School Improvement Team and was shocked to see scores falling year over year for five straight years. He supports the concept of parents having the ability to choose the right school for their children. Every parent in the State of North Carolina deserves that right, especially when the system has failed their community. The educational system should stay focused on the fundamentals, problem solving and life skills. He supports North Carolina having the state-wide leadership to ban Critical Race Theory (“CRT”). He passionately believes children should never be taught to hate, or to identify others as oppressed.
  • The Right to Vote is an incredible responsibility. Along with that responsibility comes the obligation to protect the integrity of the process and results. John, like all of our Republican Candidates, supports the objective that voting should be made easy and cheating made difficult. He will support all policies that accomplishes this objective, to include the Constitutional Amendment approved by voters in 2018
  • Supporting our police and law enforcement should always be a priority, but the last two years have shown that Democrats have a selective enforcement agenda that does not benefit the average North Carolinian. His opponent signed the pledge to Defund the Police. John believes and will support policies that make North Carolina and New Hanover County tough on crime.
  • Presently, the General Assembly is considering Medicaid Expansion for poor and rural North Carolinians who fall through the cracks of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”). John is opposed to Medicaid Expansion in becoming a long-term solution because it is a request for the North Carolina taxpayer to double pay where the Federal Government has created voids in coverage. He does realize that Medicate Expansion might be needed in the short term to give the Republican majorities in the U.S. house time to repair or replace the ACA.
  • John supports lower taxes and reduced regulations as a key first step to growing jobs and economic development.
  • Maintaining the historic buildings and homes in Wilmington is a key component of it historic charm and serves as the attraction for tourists to the city, especially during the Azelea Festival. John recently completed a home approved for historic preservation tax credits. His opponent, Democrat Deb Butler voted against extending the current historic preservation tax credits that were approved for 10 years.
  • North Carolina’s aging infrastructure needs continued investment for North Carolina to remain competitive. As your representative, John will fight to keep annual investment in our infrastructure so that current and future generations benefit from safe roads and bridges.
  • The Republican led legislature has made great progress in keeping the “Rainy-Day Fund” FULLY FUNDED. John’s democrat opponent, Deb Butler, takes immense pride in how she has worked against those efforts and favors authorizing these funds for more social programs.

There are three things you can do to help us Restore American First Values in New Hanover and North Carolina.

  1. Be sure to REGISTER and then Please note: Early Voting begins October 20, 2022, and Election Day is November 8, 2022.
  2. If you can spare one or two hours, we are always in need of volunteers to help out.
  3. If you do not have a few hours to volunteer, and most people do not, please consider taking just a few seconds to visit our website,, and click on 10 for 10. We are requesting that you consider contributing just 10 dollars for 10 months. The money collected will be used to support Candidates like John.

One final thought: If we can gain a super majority in the NC House and NC Senate, conservatives will be in a position to override the endless vetoes (75 total) issued by Cooper. That alone should be worth a small contribution.