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New Hanover County Republican Party



Kicking off our small donor program with 10 for Ten – and how your donation to the GOP of New Hanover County of just 10 dollars a month for 10 months can have a huge impact on the elections of 2022 and beyond.

Reuel Sample:
Today we launched the 10 for Ten Campaign for the New Hanover County Republican And this is your brainchild. I’m laying it all on you, Patti. Tell us a little bit about the 10 for Ten.

Patti O’Neill:
Yes, I’d be happy to. We have got a lot of things going on right now in our community, in our world. And we need to be able to support the people who have a like mind. And part of the 10 for Ten pledge is to reach out to people who understand what we stand for in the New Hanover County GOP. We want to have people heard. And we want to support candidates who support these particular ideals. And so we’re able to go through a handful of items that support those. And we want to ask folks to pledge their $10 for ten consecutive months to support candidates who support these ideals. And we have Chelsea Cooley with us, who has talked to us about getting involved in our children’s education and having a voice in our schools. And that is one of the top subjects that we want to touch on tonight.

Reuel Sample:
Good evening, Chelsea. Welcome aboard.

Chelsea Cooley:
Hey, guys. Thanks so much for having me on.

Reuel Sample:
So you are involved in ten. For ten, you are the on video spokesperson for all of this. But you’re not just on the video. You are really passionate about the things that we are doing. Why are you supporting this ten for ten project?

Patti O’Neill:
Well, number one I’m a North Carolinian, I was born and raised in Charlotte but I’m a mom. My children are in middle school and elementary school public schools here in Wilmington. And, you know, I think things change once you become a parent, you see the world differently. There are things that are now on your radar because you’re not just in charge of your life, but you’re in charge of your children’s lives and how you choose to raise them. And there’s a lot of things that are happening in our country, across our state, in this very county that are extremely concerning. And as a parent, it’s not something that I can turn a blind eye to anymore. And so finding ways to get involved and to help champion the things that not just that I am passionate about, but that I truly feel the pulse of the parental unit in our county is passionate about. And that’s why I’m so excited to be a part of the Ten for 10, because I feel like this is such a simplistic but effective way for all parents in our county to get behind the issues that mean the most to us.

Reuel Sample:
Patty, one of the things that we’re all fighting right now is gas prices, food It’s a really bad time to start a fundraiser. But why is it so important for a 10 for Ten commitment?

Patti O’Neill:
Well, if we don’t start now, we won’t ever get to the point where our gas gets This is an investment in the future. I think one of the most. Stark. I don’t know. Conclusions that I’ve come to is that in power, in the wrong hands, can do a heck of a lot of destruction in a very short period of time. 18 months. Right. And we are seeing these sort of things economically and in our education and in our crimes, in our city and so many things that are going on. But if we ever want it to stop, if we ever want it to get better, we have to start and we have to start now. And and so that’s why I feel that it’s very important. To bypass something or find a way right to support people who have who are of like mind, who want to effect a change. And and who understand what happened when the Democrats took power in Washington, D.C. And we are living through that right now. And unfortunately, we’re going to live through that for the next four or five years because that train has left the station. But we need to do everything that we can to stop what’s going on, and that is funding candidates who will support our cause and be firm and strong and independent in their thinking in Washington and in our state as well.

Reuel Sample:
Chelsea and Patti, it’s not just about funding candidates, though. It’s about all the infrastructure that goes into maintaining a Republican presence here in New Hanover County office, emails, website presences and everything else. There’s a lot of infrastructure funding that we need in order to keep going here in New Hanover County.

Chelsea Cooley:
Well, absolutely. And I think, too, when you look at this as a whole, I mean, But a lot of times people feel like, well, how can I help and how can I jump on board? And my life is crazy busy and I’m running from here to there. And yes, we’re feeling the prices squeeze us at the pumps and at the grocery store. But there are so many people who are just as passionate that want to find a way to be involved that might say, well, maybe they don’t have the time, or maybe maybe I don’t have this particular resource, but $10 a month, yeah, I could do that. I could make that work. And so how do we tackle all of these big issues of soaring prices and crushing inflation and parental rights and taxation and illegal immigration? It starts at home. It starts in our back yard. And so this election season, what’s happening in November, in my opinion, is the most important and crucial election I know of my lifetime. And so what will happen here in New Hanover County will be a direct correlation of what we see happening across the state and across the country. We live in such a unique community in that regard that if we truly as true patriots, as true Americans that are for our parental rights, that are for safe cities and safe schools and, you know, and putting our constitutional rights first, if we truly stand behind that, we can make a huge difference. And $10 might not seem like much to some. It might seem like a lot to others, but it will make such a big impact because if we can build it now and put those those things in place and get the right candidates in office in November, we are going to see this ship start to turn. And I think that for me is what is the most exciting thing about this ten for ten program?

Reuel Sample:
Now there’s a whole bunch of things weighing down this ship that you’re talking Patti. But there are things that go across party lines. And there is one major issue that we think that people on both sides of the political aisle, whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, that you can get behind, what is the number one issue that we are facing here in New Hanover County and across the country?

Chelsea Cooley:
I believe it’s parental rights. I think the notion that we as parents woke up one day and went, wait, we don’t have rights as parents. I think that crosses every single party line. And I can tell you from the stance that I have taken, be it on the Candace Owens show, you know, seeing things and discovering things that have been very discouraging that are happening here in our public school system and with our school board and with our central office. It has been amazing, the droves of people from all over this county and across the state that have reached out to me that may not have the same religious beliefs that I do or political party affiliation. But you know what? We’re all parents and we care about the right to be able to rear our children how we see fit. And so that’s been the platform that I have been thankful to stand on because I’m not just fighting for how I want to raise my child. I’m fighting for every parent to have the right to raise their children as they as they see fit without governmental interference and control. And that trickles down through the school system. You know, it’s amazing. Yes. There are different things that the US Board of Education, Department of Education will recommend and make suggestions with, and then that trickles down into the state board of Ed and then that trickles down into our local school boards and our local central offices, and they get to decide at the local level what they choose to implement. So regardless of what is being suggested and recommended as best practices from the higher ups, we at the local level get to decide what is implemented. And so that speaks volumes for how your vote counts, for how your dollar counts for this ten for ten, and how the future of your children and our teachers, you know, all of that hangs in the balance of of what we’re doing with this campaign.

Reuel Sample:
So how do we answer this whole notion that we as parents were not trained as So we really don’t know what we’re talking about, that the teachers who have gone to school for all this and the administrators who have gone to school for all this, they’re the ones who really know best. That’s the argument from the left. What’s our response to that?

Chelsea Cooley:
If we were talking about true educational curriculum, math, social studies, were focused on the core education that we as parents are are willingly sending our children to public school to learn, then I could stand behind that argument. But that’s not what’s happened. We have a watered down version of that now where different ideological ideals and thought processes are being implemented to where, as a Christian. If I were a teacher in a school, I would not be able to impose my Christian beliefs in the classroom. But we can impose anti-Christian beliefs in the classroom. We can we can impose other ideologies that would directly help to control or coerce the way in which a child would be raised. We don’t send our children to school for them to be raised morally and ethically and socially. We send them to get an education, math, reading, science, social studies. And when you look at the numbers here in New Hanover County alone, as far as where we have fallen across the state, we’re only at 62% of where we need to be in regards of where we should be in North Carolina. There’s a problem with that. We are not doing our children the proper service of giving them a true and right education for the things that we as parents are sending them to school to learn. So that’s where the problem lies, because the argument from the left is saying that one statement, but yet they’re filtering in their own ideals and beliefs, which takes away our rights as parents and how we want to rear our children. They’re completely stripping away education, and it’s almost as if they don’t care about it anymore. Then it puts the teachers in a really bad position because teachers sign up to serve, to love on our children, to to help provide the best education they can. And they are handcuffed to the system and they’re not supported in the way that they should be. We’re not equipping our teachers to be successful in the classroom, and then we’re blaming them. When we put we say we the the school board is and our central office is blaming teachers for for their lack of attention on certain students when they put policies in place that don’t support the child or the teacher. So when I say it’s gotten watered down, it’s very muddied. And we can remedy that this November. And that’s what I’m so excited and passionate about.

Reuel Sample:
It’s absolutely essential, Chelsi, that we get all four elected because if we anything.

Chelsea Cooley:
If we only have three elected and we still do not have the majority of people on And I will say this, one of the things one of the things that I’m so thankful is that three out of the four candidates that we have are former educators, I mean, yes, they are for parental rights. They are for making sure that our children are well fed at school, nutritionally, educationally, that they are they are kept safe, but they are all for our teachers as well. And there have been things that have happened within within our school system, our public school system here that I don’t believe have had the best interest for our teachers as well. I don’t think through COVID and through the protocol set in place that our teachers have the best infrastructure to be successful. You know, and I’m in such support of our teachers and the sacrifices that they’ve made that their families have made, especially over the past few years. So I love that three out of four of our candidates are former educators because they bring such a great perspective that only to what the children need, not only to what the teachers need, but what the parent teacher relationship needs to look like. One of our other our fourth candidate for the school board was a guardian ad litem. And she knows how important the those relationships and those boundaries need to be for parents and teachers and students alike. So, you know, I’m so encouraged by who we have on our ballot. I’m so encouraged by who we have running for Sheriff, someone that is is so intentional about making sure that our schools are safe and that our community is safe and then is not a pass the buck kind of guy. I just think that what is happening right now in New Hanover County is literally going to be the most exciting election that we have had in our community in years. And I think it’s I think we are now in a position where we truly can be we the people and let that reflect in our vote and in where our dollars are going in this 10 for Ten campaign.

Reuel Sample:
And but let’s give these folks some names. We’ve got Pete Wildeboer, Melissa Mason, Josie Barnhart. Those are the three folks with extensive education backgrounds. And we’ve got Pat Bradford, who is also running. And she has experience in managing million dollar contracts. So the big numbers that come down on the school board won’t faze her a bit. And you also mentioned Matt Rhodes, who’s running for sheriff, because public safety is another big issue that goes across party lines. Not only public safety in our schools, but public safety in our communities as well. Where are we on that and why is this so important?

Chelsea Cooley: 
It is extremely important. My son plays baseball for Winter Park Baseball. And last year there was a shooting during one of the Little League games at Longleaf Park. Now, thankfully, we weren’t there that night, but we were there the night before. We were there the night after. And so many of our friends, not only in the baseball community, but just in this community in general, were there that night. We have no arrests. We have no answers. So many of us, I mean, dozens of us concerned parents contacted county commissioners. We sent emails. I never heard back from anyone that I had reached out to. And so while the basketball court shifted and there’s a more child friendly basketball court, which is where the shooting took place, that doesn’t solve the problem. There’s no punishment for the crime. So when you see shootings that are up and our in our community that are then going to trickle into the schools and into the high schools of which we have seen as well. And yet there is no punishment for the crime. And you have you have a sheriff’s department and a current sheriff that has been very vocal. Everything’s fine. I like how everything is happening here. Well, you know what? We as a community don’t and we as parents don’t. And we’re not okay with the fact that our voices haven’t been heard, that no arrests have been made, and that this is a continuing theme that is spilling over into our schools as well. You know, it is very uncomforting. We’re at that ball field 3 to 4 nights a week. And I’m not the only family that is out there. You don’t think that doesn’t cross my mind every single time? I can help. I can help every single time, every.

Reuel Sample:
That changes the whole flavor of your get together, doesn’t it?

Patti O’Neill:
Absolutely. I can’t not think about it. And so we as parents and as a community, we haven’t forgotten about that. I had reached out to to Ben Davis, our district attorney, about some things that I was concerned about. And he shared this was just probably in April of this year. And he shared with me that he and Ed McMahon, our current sheriff, had decided three years ago that when things come to them, they are going to bring in the FBI and the attorney general’s office and let the SBI and the attorney general’s office triaged what they need to do and what they need to do to handle certain issues. Chelsea, for our for our listeners, what’s SBI stand for?

Chelsea Cooley:
The State Bureau of Investigation. Instead of the FBI and the FBI. So the state Bureau of Investigation. Now, I’m not saying that they pass everything off, but the fact that there is even a mentality in this community amongst our current leaders that anything concerning safety or abuse of power of any kind should be passed off to then be triaged to someone that doesn’t have a pulse on this community. I’m sorry, but I’m just not okay with that. And I think if a lot of our listeners are learning that for the first time, I can bet that they’re not okay with it either.

Patti O’Neill:
I would have agree, which is why I was asking. That’s where I was heading. This is the state bureau. Why are we not taking care of this locally? Is that not why we have a sheriff?

Chelsea Cooley:
Exactly. And then you have a sheriff that that thinks that everything is okay. How exactly how it is. And it’s almost like it’s almost like we’re putting blinders on in this community. What’s going on? You can do that in other cities, but we’re not doing that in Wilmington anymore. We’re not doing that in New Hanover County anymore. And the only way to change that is we’ve got to have the financial backing to be able to support the candidates that believe the same way that we as concerned New Hanover County citizens believe so that we can get them in the positions that we need to financially. And and at the polls when we’re voting, you know, so that is a huge concern. And I’ve talked at length with Matt Rhodes and safety is his number one priority in this community and in the schools. And so I am so excited to throw 100% of my support behind him because I feel like he genuinely cares. He knows how to create solutions to these problems and he’s not going to put up with it. And we need strong leadership like that running our sheriff’s department, because until people know that they cannot get away with this anymore, it’s going to continue to happen and then it’s going to be in our backyard.

Patti O’Neill: 
Chelsea, do you have Matt Rhodes credentials? He’s got a great resume. Correct?

Chelsea Cooley:
He has a fantastic resume.

Patti O’Neill:
I don’t think people know his background, know that he has law enforcement

Chelsea Cooley:
For years. And, you know, when you have someone that has that type of background citizen just like us.

Reuel Sample:
When you look at his picture on our on our website, he’s smiling at you. And it’s a nice picture, but it’s also the face of somebody that you actually really don’t want to be growling at you. If you just look at him. He can he just he can just intimidate the nastiness out.

Patti O’Neill:
I said I said he looks mean and said, isn’t your sheriff supposed to look mean? And I’m like, Yeah.

Reuel Sample:
Exactly, exactly. But he’s also a nice guy.

Patti O’Neill:
To be intimidated by the sheriff. I do. I do. I do want to be and I want other people to be intimidated, too. That’s what keeps everybody in line.

Reuel Sample:
Patty, the program is 10 for Ten. We also call it the small donor program. And thank you for putting all that together.

Patti O’Neill:
Oh, yes, my pleasure. I, I want to make a difference. Let’s just say that. And I really would like for anybody who’s listening to us to make a difference as well. And you can do that $10 for ten months. We’ll put it to good use and we’ll listen to you, listen to our constituents, and we’ll help get this ship going in the right direction the way that it should go. For all the values that we all believe in.

Reuel Sample:
All you have to do is go to New Hanover GOP dot org. You’ll see Chelsea’s picture there front and center and just click on her picture. That will take you over to the Ten for 10 website. It’s actually part of the New Hanover GOP. And then you can put in your credentials. You can actually see a little bit more of Chelsea’s video. Chelsea, you’re going to be cutting some other videos for the upcoming weeks that this is going to be going on. How are those coming along and what are some of those issues that you’re going to be talking about?

Patti O’Neill:
You know, the videos are coming along great. And we really wanted to break down the key issues that we as a community are most concerned about. For example, one of the videos we talk a lot about illegal immigration and and just the mess and the crisis that’s happening at our southern border and how that is directly affecting New Hanover County. You know, when you look at our trafficking, whether it’s drugs, sex trafficking, human trafficking, I mean, our our numbers are skyrocketing in this port city. It’s something I’ve worked on the front lines of for years. And so I already had a pulse on that. And then when the southern border, just the doors flew wide open, those numbers have skyrocketed. You know, it’s in our backyard. The 10 for Ten is going to help support candidates that are going to tackle those issues and help clean up our streets. Our fentanyl overdoses and deaths are higher than our COVID deaths. That should not happen on anybody’s watch. We’ve had many people contribute to the problem for the sake of a lot of different ideals, and that has to stop. And I think so many people are sick of it. And I think as I think the parents have been awakened in in this community, in our state and our country. And as we look at it as a whole, we’re going, you know what, enough is enough. I may not be able to donate a whole lot of time, but I could donate $10 a month because that’s where I see that I can help. Fantastic. We would love to have your support. We need your support. We cannot do this without your support. And so there is no amount that’s too small. $10 is a huge help. And I’m just I’m so thankful to the people that are jumping on board and that are willing to stand arm in arm with us to help fight this.