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New Hanover County Republican Party



Immigration – The Downfall of America

by | Sep 23, 2021

Immigration - The Downfall of America - We have witnessed recent news broadcasts showing thousands of migrants crossing the southern border. We have seen the pictures of illegal immigrants flooding across, many wearing the name “Biden” scrolled across their chest on T-shirts. We are aware that Trump’s illegal immigration policies were eliminated during the first few days of the Biden Administration.

We have witnessed recent news broadcasts showing thousands of migrants crossing the southern border. We have seen the pictures of illegal immigrants flooding across, many wearing the name “Biden” scrolled across their chest on T-shirts. We are aware that Trump’s illegal immigration policies were eliminated during the first few days of the Biden Administration, thereby halting construction of the wall, and eliminating the process of holding migrants on the Mexico side of the border until an immigration review could be conducted. We know that a thorough immigration review was truncated, and the “catch and release” policy was enacted. And while Biden was publicly berating every American citizen for not receiving the COVID vaccine, thousands of “untested” migrants were transported to many parts of the country, including predominantly “RED” states like Florida (probably not a coincidence). 

So now we ask ourselves the following question: why would the President of the United States so transparently allow a continued flood of migrants to illegally enter our country, practically issuing an informal invitation? The reasons are becoming more and more clear as we examine a few recent occurrences. It is time to realize that a well-planned immigration policy was implemented to accomplish the Democrats’ strategic objective – to alter America in a way that could never be imagined, even in our worst nightmare. This is not a conspiracy theory.  All we need to do is simply look at the facts. 

Facts concerning the Democrats’ approach to a fair and balanced Immigration: 

First, let’s examine a potentially similar immigration situation that is close to another southern state, that being the state of Florida. In recent days, citizens in the streets of Havana have openly demonstrated against the oppressive communist government of Cuba. There are reports that many demonstrators have been arrested, many have simply disappeared, and some have even been murdered. In anticipation of the situation in Cuba resulting in a mass exodus, the Biden Administration has been quick to act. 

On July 20, 2021, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, delivered a clear message to the Cuban and Haitian people amid upheaval in both Caribbean nations: do not come to the United States. Mayorkas has put the U.S. Coast Guard on alert to monitor the body of water (Florida Straits) between south Florida and Cuba. He further stated, “Allow me to be clear. If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.” 

The last thing the Biden Administration wants to see is another “Mariel Boat Lift Operation”. Mariel was a mass exodus from Cuba during the 1980’s when thousands of Cuban refugees made their way to the Florida shores. So why does the Biden Administration have two different immigration policies? One that is almost non-existent at the Southern Border, and one that has become militarized off the coast of Florida?  Read on.   

  • When news broke and video became available of the street protests in Havana, the Biden Administration was quick to say that the protests were COVID-related. It did not matter that people were carrying signs that stated things like “Freedom Now” and “Stop Tyranny.” This is a classic example of the Biden Administration’s deep belief that if they say something, Americans will simply accept it as the truth. We want to point out that it appears the Washington Swamp believes that most Americans are uninformed, ignorant, non-caring and/or are simply naïve. Perhaps it is these traits that make us “deplorables.”
  • It did not matter that there were reliable reports coming out of Cuba that many protestors had been arrested, and many simply disappeared. 
  • It is also well known that the Cuban community, predominantly located in South Florida, vote 70 percent of the time for Republican candidates. 
  • The strong statement, “Do not come to America,” along with the warning that the path to freedom would be patrolled by law enforcement for the safety and concern of Cuban migrants because the voyage was too dangerous, is a ludicrous and  ridiculous statement. Here again, the Democrats said it, therefore it must be factual. The 1656 mile walk from Guatemala to Texas in sometimes 100-degree weather, snake infested terrain, with the threats of child abusers, “coyotes” and bandits, is inherently safer than a 90-mile boat ride from Cuba to Key West. 
  • We know that when a migrant is interviewed by an immigration judge, one of two things are established. Is the migrant being subjected to danger by their government for speaking out against that government?  Are they being persecuted because of religious beliefs?  Or are they simply looking for a better life. Historically, these economic migrants are repatriated or returned to their country of origin. The Cuban migrants would clearly have a much better legal case to remain in America than the majority of those crossing the southern border. 

So why is the Biden Administration rolling out the carpet at the southern border, while at the same time building his version of the wall by patrolling the Straits of Florida with U.S. Coast Guard ships and aircraft? And another question not related to immigration policy – why would Biden continue to close the border with Canada for COVID-related reasons, and leave the southern border more accessible than the Pacific Ocean? We know that the immigrants are untested for COVID, and then are quickly bused to all parts of our country. Does this make sense to anyone? While not palatable, the answer is simple. There is a method to the Biden madness. 

  • Democrats are making an ambitious attempt to muscle through changes in the immigration system in a sprawling $3.5 trillion economic package. 
  • Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the lead author of a sweeping immigration bill that reflects President Joe Biden’s vision, recently said that Democrats are exploring immigration changes worth $120 billion in the budget reconciliation measure. This means because it is hidden in what is being called a budget measure, and not a policy measure, it can pass without Republican support. 
  • Menendez said Democrats will seek to allow a path to legalization and green cards for certain “Dreamers,” farmworkers, essential workers and people on Temporary Protected Status. 
  • Representative Pramila Jayapal, (D-Wash.) confirmed that the $3.5 trillion budget proposal by Democrats in Congress will include several radical priorities, including amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Jayapal said during a press call that the resolution will include a pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers, [Temporary Protected Status] (TPS), essential workers, and farmworkers.” 
  • Press reports estimate that as many as 10 million illegal aliens could eventually be placed on a path to citizenship. Again, please note they are being bused to the southern states, primarily along the border. 

It appears that because the Democrats were blocked from federalizing the election process and eliminating states’ rights, they have decided to grow their own voting base. This is so blatantly transparent, and it is obvious what is actually occurring. Now, the question becomes what are we, as conservatives, willing to do to stop these extremely damaging progressive agendas? The obvious answer is making sure you are registered to vote, and then exercise that right to vote by voting REPUBLICAN. There are several other options for you to help. We have made mistakes in the past by not working as hard as we should until we near an election cycle. We are now 100 percent fully dedicated to work hard every hour of every day until we achieve our goal of restoring the America First policy agenda. 

The following is a list of options on how you can help to restore the America First Policy Agenda, and how you can join the fight right here in New Hanover County: 


  1. Visit our webpage at and see what your GOP is doing. 
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter and arm yourself with knowledge. 
  3. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay connected with fellow patriots. 
  4. Sign up to join our team. We need all kinds of volunteers!
  5. Consider making a $10 contribution. For the price of a few cups of coffee, you can help us support conservative causes in our backyard.
  6. We are in the process of acquiring a permanent home for the NHC GOP Headquarters. We need your support. The first 100 Patriots to contribute $50 or more monthly will have their names engraved on a plaque to be proudly and permanently displayed in our New Headquarters. Or you can contribute any amount to help us build our war room; no matter how small. 
  7. We have also purchased a large database and analytical tool that will allow us to more easily communicate with our conservative friends, and complete numerous types of demographic data analysis to assist with our messaging. We also need fiscal support to maintain the use of this system. Like the building fund plaque, the first 100 to contribute $25 or more per month will also have names engraved and placed on a plaque for all to see in our new home. 
  8. Consider serving on a local Board, Commission, or running for public office. Contact Melissa with our Leadership Development Team for more information about how you can serve. 

You are invited to attend the next GOP County Meeting which will be held October 28th, starting at 6:30, at the Spring View Baptist Church located at 801 N. College Road.

It is requested that you bring perishable food items to the meeting.  If we all pitch in, we can feed many hungry children. Our many thanks.

We want to thank you all and welcome you to join us in this extremely important fight. Thousands of voices are much louder than a few.

We have witnessed recent news broadcasts showing thousands of migrants crossing the southern border. We have seen the pictures of illegal immigrants flooding across, many wearing the name “Biden” scrolled across their chest on T-shirts. We are aware that Trump’s illegal immigration policies were eliminated during the first few days of the Biden Administration, thereby halting construction of the wall, and eliminating the process of holding migrants on the Mexico side of the border until an immigration review could be conducted. We know that a thorough immigration review was truncated, and the “catch and release” policy was enacted. And while Biden was publicly berating every American citizen for not receiving the COVID vaccine, thousands of  “untested” migrants were transported to many parts of the country, including predominantly “RED” states like Florida (probably not a coincidence). 

So now we ask ourselves the following question: why would the President of the United States so transparently allow a continued flood of migrants to illegally enter our country, practically issuing an informal invitation? The reasons are becoming more and more clear as we examine a few recent occurrences. It is time to realize that a well-planned immigration policy was implemented to accomplish the Democrats’ strategic objective – to alter America in a way that could never be imagined, even in our worst nightmare. This is not a conspiracy theory.  All we need to do is simply look at the facts. 

Facts concerning the Democrats’ approach to a fair and balanced Immigration: 

First, let’s examine a potentially similar immigration situation that is close to another southern state, that being the state of Florida. In recent days, citizens in the streets of Havana have openly demonstrated against the oppressive communist government of Cuba. There are reports that many demonstrators have been arrested, many have simply disappeared, and some have even been murdered. In anticipation of the situation in Cuba resulting in a mass exodus, the Biden Administration has been quick to act. 

On July 20, 2021, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, delivered a clear message to the Cuban and Haitian people amid upheaval in both Caribbean nations: do not come to the United States. Mayorkas has put the U.S. Coast Guard on alert to monitor the body of water (Florida Straits) between south Florida and Cuba. He further stated, “Allow me to be clear. If you take to the sea, you will not come to the United States.” 

The last thing the Biden Administration wants to see is another “Mariel Boat Lift Operation”. Mariel was a mass exodus from Cuba during the 1980’s when thousands of Cuban refugees made their way to the Florida shores. So why does the Biden Administration have two different immigration policies? One that is almost non-existent at the Southern Border, and one that has become militarized off the coast of Florida?  Read on.   

  • When news broke and video became available of the street protests in Havana, the Biden Administration was quick to say that the protests were COVID-related. It did not matter that people were carrying signs that stated things like “Freedom Now” and “Stop Tyranny.” This is a classic example of the Biden Administration’s deep belief that if they say something, Americans will simply accept it as the truth. We want to point out that it appears the Washington Swamp believes that most Americans are uninformed, ignorant, non-caring and/or are simply naïve. Perhaps it is these traits that make us “deplorables.”
  • It did not matter that there were reliable reports coming out of Cuba that many protestors had been arrested, and many simply disappeared. 
  • It is also well known that the Cuban community, predominantly located in South Florida, vote 70 percent of the time for Republican candidates. 
  • The strong statement, “Do not come to America,” along with the warning that the path to freedom would be patrolled by law enforcement for the safety and concern of Cuban migrants because the voyage was too dangerous, is a ludicrous and  ridiculous statement. Here again, the Democrats said it, therefore it must be factual. The 1656 mile walk from Guatemala to Texas in sometimes 100-degree weather, snake infested terrain, with the threats of child abusers, “coyotes” and bandits, is inherently safer than a 90-mile boat ride from Cuba to Key West. 
  • We know that when a migrant is interviewed by an immigration judge, one of two things are established. Is the migrant being subjected to danger by their government for speaking out against that government?  Are they being persecuted because of religious beliefs?  Or are they simply looking for a better life. Historically, these economic migrants are repatriated or returned to their country of origin. The Cuban migrants would clearly have a much better legal case to remain in America than the majority of those crossing the southern border. 

So why is the Biden Administration rolling out the carpet at the southern border, while at the same time building his version of the wall by patrolling the Straits of Florida with U.S. Coast Guard ships and aircraft? And another question not related to immigration policy – why would Biden continue to close the border with Canada for COVID-related reasons, and leave the southern border more accessible than the Pacific Ocean? We know that the immigrants are untested for COVID, and then are quickly bused to all parts of our country. Does this make sense to anyone? While not palatable, the answer is simple. There is a method to the Biden madness. 

  • Democrats are making an ambitious attempt to muscle through changes in the immigration system in a sprawling $3.5 trillion economic package. 
  • Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., the lead author of a sweeping immigration bill that reflects President Joe Biden’s vision, recently said that Democrats are exploring immigration changes worth $120 billion in the budget reconciliation measure. This means because it is hidden in what is being called a budget measure, and not a policy measure, it can pass without Republican support. 
  • Menendez said Democrats will seek to allow a path to legalization and green cards for certain “Dreamers,” farmworkers, essential workers and people on Temporary Protected Status. 
  • Representative Pramila Jayapal, (D-Wash.) confirmed that the $3.5 trillion budget proposal by Democrats in Congress will include several radical priorities, including amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Jayapal said during a press call that the resolution will include a pathway to citizenship for “Dreamers, [Temporary Protected Status] (TPS), essential workers, and farmworkers.” 
  • Press reports estimate that as many as 10 million illegal aliens could eventually be placed on a path to citizenship. Again, please note they are being bused to the southern states, primarily along the border. 

It appears that because the Democrats were blocked from federalizing the election process and eliminating states’ rights, they have decided to grow their own voting base. This is so blatantly transparent, and it is obvious what is actually occurring. Now, the question becomes what are we, as conservatives, willing to do to stop these extremely damaging progressive agendas? The obvious answer is making sure you are registered to vote, and then exercise that right to vote by voting REPUBLICAN. There are several other options for you to help. We have made mistakes in the past by not working as hard as we should until we near an election cycle. We are now 100 percent fully dedicated to work hard every hour of every day until we achieve our goal of restoring the America First policy agenda. 

The following is a list of options on how you can help to restore the America First Policy Agenda, and how you can join the fight right here in New Hanover County: 


  1. Visit our webpage at and see what your GOP is doing. 
  2. Subscribe to our newsletter and arm yourself with knowledge. 
  3. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to stay connected with fellow patriots. 
  4. Sign up to join our team. We need all kinds of volunteers!
  5. Consider making a $10 contribution. For the price of a few cups of coffee, you can help us support conservative causes in our backyard.
  6. We are in the process of acquiring a permanent home for the NHC GOP Headquarters. We need your support. The first 100 Patriots to contribute $50 or more monthly will have their names engraved on a plaque to be proudly and permanently displayed in our New Headquarters. Or you can contribute any amount to help us build our war room; no matter how small. 
  7. We have also purchased a large database and analytical tool that will allow us to more easily communicate with our conservative friends, and complete numerous types of demographic data analysis to assist with our messaging. We also need fiscal support to maintain the use of this system. Like the building fund plaque, the first 100 to contribute $25 or more per month will also have names engraved and placed on a plaque for all to see in our new home. 
  8. Consider serving on a local Board, Commission, or running for public office. Contact Melissa with our Leadership Development Team for more information about how you can serve. 

You are invited to attend the next GOP County Meeting which will be held October 28th, starting at 6:30, at the Spring View Baptist Church located at 801 N. College Road.

It is requested that you bring perishable food items to the meeting.  If we all pitch in, we can feed many hungry children. Our many thanks.

We want to thank you all and welcome you to join us in this extremely important fight. Thousands of voices are much louder than a few.