New Hanover County Republican Party



Are you Worried About What Children are Being Taught in School? It’s just ONE of Ten Reasons to Donate $10

Parental Rights, Crushing Inflation, Soaring Prices, High Taxation and Illegal Immigration are just a few reasons to HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We NEED YOUR HELP getting the right people in charge to effect change.

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Hear from a Concerned Parent

Chelsea Cooley Miss USA 2005 & New Hanover County Parent, shares why she supports the 10for10 Program


  • Parental Rights: Restore the primary position of parents in deciding what is best for their children in terms of education.
  • Core Curriculum: Return to the core subjects of reading, writing, history, math, science, and civics
  • Public Safety: Decrease crime rates by better funding and training of police forces. Increase community trust through community partnership programs.
  • Transparency in Spending: If given a majority, we will justify every tax levied and every dollar spent.
  • Judicial Responsibility: If given the majority, we will make sure that every judicial nomination is dedicated to the Consitutions under which they judicate.
  • Energy Independence: We will make every effort to open our vast resources for use by Americans for Americans.
  • Constitutional Adherence: We will fervently protect the Constitution of the United States and the State of North Carolina.
  • Stop the passage of “Red-Flag Laws” – or any law that restricts due process in removing Second Amendment rights.
  • Border Security and Immigration Reform: If given the majority, secure our borders to restrict the influx of illegal drugs into our local neighborhoods, and to provide a legal pathway to citizenship to those coming to the United States.
  • School safety: Increase the placement and training of police officers assigned to schools.
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We need you

The 2022 Midterm Elections in New Hanover County are gaining national attention. As goes New Hanover County, so goes the rest of the entire nation.

We know this is a tough time to ask. We know prices are high. We know – because we share the same frustrations you do.

That is why we are just asking for 10 dollars a month – for 10 months.

  • 10 political races where Republican majorities can turn the tide of Democrat policies and agendas.
  • 10 critical issues that parents, families, and small businesses are facing that will determine the course of our county and nation for years to come.
  • 10 dollars per month for 10 months will help us secure the resources we need to restore parental rights in our schools, make sure our law enforcement personnel are properly supported, ensure school safety and promote other issues to protect our freedoms.

Contributions to are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes.

Contribution rules

  • I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  • This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  • I am making this contribution with my own personal credit card and not with a corporate or business credit card or a card issued to another person.
  • I am at least eighteen years old. I am not, nor am I making this contribution on behalf of, a corporation, labor organization, national bank, foreign national without a green card, a federal contractor, or any other federally impermissible source.